Kim Jong Un Set To Lead Crucial Policy Session, Charting North Korea's Path In 2024

Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, is prepared to preside over a crucial policy-setting meeting, fortified by his nation’s recent military and economic advancements. These progressions are expected to bolster his position against the US’s demand to dismantle his nuclear arms programs.

What Happened: The ruling Workers’ Party of Korea of North Korea will hold a plenary session of its Central Committee, where it will delineate its course for 2024, Bloomberg reported on Monday. Although no specific dates have been disclosed, this event usually takes place in the final week of the year.

Kim, arguably in the most potent phase of his leadership since assuming office, has possibly strengthened his sanction-affected economy through recent arms transfers to Russia. His weapons program has also made significant advancements, including this month’s testing of a new missile capable of delivering a warhead to the U.S. mainland.

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Soo Kim, a former Korea analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency who is now a part of U.S.-based management consulting firm LMI, stated, “Nuclearization and bolstering his country’s military readiness will remain topline items for Kim next year.”

Moreover, last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that North Korea has commissioned a light-water reactor that has been under construction for several years. This new asset will further assist Kim Jong Un’s nuclear aspirations.

Last year, Kim Jong Un’s regime conducted missile tests that simulated nuclear strikes, launched five intercontinental ballistic missiles, and successfully placed its first spy satellite into orbit. He also recognized a population crisis in North Korea that could threaten the labor-intensive economy.

Why It Matters: These developments arrive in the backdrop of a year marked by North Korea’s heightened military activities. On Dec. 17, Kim Jong Un launched a suspected long-range ballistic missile, the second such launch in 12 hours.

This launch triggered a heated debate in a subsequent U.N. Security Council meeting, with North Korea and Russia framing it as a “retaliatory measure” against perceived threats from the U.S. and others.

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