
In the equity space, private markets outshine their public counterparties by several orders of magnitude – both in size and returns. Still, these lucrative opportunities are reserved for selected circles of institutional funds and accredited investors.

Daniel Cussigh de Lophem is product manager at Swissborg, a Lausanne-headquartered company democratising wealth management by making it fun, fair, and community-centric. The company has an international team of over 200 people and holds a virtual currency licence to provide virtual currency exchange and virtual currency wallets internationally.

Cussigh de Lophem has led the launch of SwissBorg’s new Multi-Asset Launchpad. He has also spent time on strengthening the token-economics/utilities of the SwissBorg token (CHSB) and building-out fundamental growth mechanisms in the SwissBorg app. 

Here he outlines for The Fintech Times how SwissBorg is ready to show the world the next step in the democratisation of wealth management.

The average retail investor is systematically excluded from the most valuable deals in the world.

Daniel Cussigh de Lophem, product manager, Swissborg

For decades this elitist model has been sustained due to bureaucratic accreditations and the capacity of big players to close and diversify.

The segmentation is clear:

● Private deals (pre-IPO) represent the most significant slice of the pie and offer the highest value proposition – they are reserved for selected circles of invited investors.

● Public offerings (post-IPO): earliest investment point for retail investors, commonly used as an exit for the same invited investors that contributed in earlier private rounds.

Until now, the average person had no chance to compete, limited to becoming exit liquidity for VC funds and big institutional players.

The tide, however, is changing. Leveraging the decentralised ledger technology of Web3, we can consolidate the distributed liquidity of retail investors into a single investment entity. As a unified front, we have the strength to shake up the established status quo.

The mission

SwissBorg is about to show the world the next step in the democratisation of wealth management; we are democratising the world of venture capital & private capital markets.

SwissBorg’s mission is to place equity ownership directly into the hands of communities and provide access to professionally-vetted investment opportunities as early as pre-seed – giving access to private deals with the same conditions as the world’s most prominent venture capital firms. We are levelling the playing field.

This mission has begun, and we are on our way to demonstrating its potential by walking the talk… all the way. We are proving to the traditional financial system that equity can be raised without the deep-reach venture capital -> that we can increase the corollary between capital providers and seekers -> that we can align investors and assets using the strength of their convictions.

Today, we will prove our commitment to a community-centric future by democratising access to our very own equity – empowering community members to become SwissBorg shareholders, SwissBorg partners.

Ours is no less an ambition than setting the governance standard for Web 3.0 ownership structures – we want SwissBorg to be by the community for the community.

Our Series A capital increase will highlight the communion of company ownership and communities. It is the first step towards a community-led society.

Step into the future with us! Be one of the first 10,000 community investors to obtain an exclusive partner’s debit card!

Discover SwissBorg’s revolutionary Multi-Asset Launchpad
and learn more about the SwissBorg Series A investment round

Disclaimer: The offer referred to in the article constitutes an investment in financial instruments and your capital is at risk. This information shall not be regarded as any form of solicitation or invitation to invest on the offer by the issuer or any of its affiliates.

Image and article originally from Read the original article here.