Snus: Sweden's Revolutionary Tobacco Product That Could Eradicate Smoking

By Lucía Tedesco via El Planteo.

Sweden seeks to eradicate smoking by means of snus, a product that contains tobacco but without combustion. In the U.S., it is basically known as nicotine pouches.

The smoking rate in Sweden is the lowest in Europe (between 5 and 6%) and the percentage is expected to continue to drop. As snus is implemented, the country seeks to become the first to eradicate smoking altogether.

What Exactly Is Snus?

Snus are nicotine sachets or pouches, containing chopped tobacco, water and salt. It is a moist, pasteurized product that is consumed orally. It is placed under the lip to deliver nicotine through the gums.

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It is a less harmful option for smokers, as it reduces exposure to toxic substances and is more accessible because it is endorsed by the government as less risky.

Success In Sweden

Sales of snus surpassed those of cigarettes in 2016. According to La Razón’s Patrick Hildingsson, vice president of the snus-producing company Swedish Match, nicotine sachets were more popular than tobacco in the 1900s. Although cigarettes had their heyday in the 1970s in Sweden, a report about the harm they caused made people go back to snus.

However, there are difficulties in marketing the product because of bans put in place by the European Union. While it is now accepted by countries such as the United States, at the moment it is only allowed for sale in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

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Photo: Alekos, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons // Edited by El Planteo

Image and article originally from Read the original article here.