Following a tough economic year, many institutions are looking to train their employees and have a better understanding of their financial plans. Looking to provide a simple and accessible solution, PlanHappy, the financial advice and planning platform, has officially launched to market.
Along with full back-office tools and functionality, PlanHappy will provide access to training and development, and one-to-one coaching. Additionally, it will also offer a range of business support services for financial planning professionals across the country, through its purpose-built system.

The brainchild of Joslin Rhodes CEO Neil Parker, PlanHappy is the culmination of more than two decades of financial planning experience. As a financial planner, Neil felt that the systems for the industry often fell short.
“PlanHappy was born out of frustration,” Neil explained, “As a lifestyle financial planner, the existing software available just didn’t do what I wanted it to do.”
PlanHappy empowers financial planners to run their whole financial planning business on one system. Being built by financial planners for financial planners, the platform also focuses on helping them build and grow their practice while delivering the best outcomes for clients.
Through PlanHappy’s three training courses, including the flagship ‘PlanHappy Lifestyle Financial Planning’ Process, financial planners have access to hundreds of hours of continuing professional development (CPD) content as well as personalised one-to-one coaching.
An industry-wide boost through expert training
At the heart of PlanHappy is the ‘PlanHappy Lifestyle Financial Planning Process’ that turns traditional financial advice into a true ‘coaching, planning and advice’ service for a more human-led approach and better customer outcomes. The service is led by one-to-one online coaching and 280-modules of CPD course content.
Parker said: “Continuous professional development has to be at the heart of truly effective financial planning. Understanding the financial landscape and evolving client needs is one thing. But to be truly ahead of the game, a successful financial planner should always be looking to hone their craft and not make the same mistakes as many before them have.”
Practical solutions to industry challenges
PlanHappy Software helps financial planning professionals provide a holistic and thorough service to clients. For Parker, the nature of ‘Lifestyle Financial Planning’ requires a more bespoke approach. “Life isn’t a straight line – it’s a collection of unique chapters,” he explained, “As financial planners, we need to reshape the linear forecasts to mapping life’s journey.”
Parker has spent a decade developing the ‘PlanHappy Lifestyle Financial Planning Process’, and the PlanHappy software has been in development for close to seven years. Following the success of its three-year beta phase, PlanHappy software is now being launched to support the wider financial planning community across the UK.
PlanHappy will be instrumental in supporting financial planners to ask their clients the ‘big questions’, finding out what matters to them, and helping them to plan for a prosperous and secure future, according to Parker.
“PlanHappy is the next step not only for me but for financial planning as a whole,” he explained, “With the right support and tools, we can help financial planners and advisers across the UK take their financial planning practices to the next level.”
Image and article originally from Read the original article here.