Google News Initiative, Bastion Transform partner to launch newsroom experiments

Google News Initiative is partnering with Bastion Transform to launch a series of newsroom experiments.

Three news organizations – Nine Publishing, the National Indigenous Times and BusinessDesk New Zealand, owned by publisher New Zealand Media and Entertainment – will launch live pilots in their newsrooms, focusing on business growth and editorial excellence.

The experiments will trial frameworks and the results to be shared with the broader industry.

The experimentation will focus on the biggest challenges and opportunities the partner newsrooms identify across their operations including storytelling, resourcing, workflows, platforms, data and technology.

In the spirit of experimentation, the three teams will meet regularly and share their insights, challenges and results.

At the conclusion of the program, more newsrooms will get the chance to learn from the experimentation when Google presents the findings and learnings in an industry knowledge-sharing showcase.

Bastion Transform, the content strategy and digital transformation agency led by former ABC News director Gaven Morris, is coordinating the projects over the coming six months and measuring the outcomes and industry impact.

Image and article originally from Read the original article here.