A pile of comic books displayed on a table.

Stocks and bonds aren’t the only ways to invest. Comic book investing is an alternative form of investing called collectibles, including items such as stamps, coins, and fine art. This type of investing isn’t regulated, and there is no guarantee that your investment will make you a bundle of cash. However, if you’re already interested in and enjoy comic books, collecting them can be a fun way to invest.

Comic Book Investing: How to Build a High-Value Collection

Every investor wants a high-value collection, but building one takes decades. When you begin investing, set a price limit; otherwise, it’s easy to buy too many comics, which may or may not be valuable.

As you begin your collection, keep these tips in mind.

Buy Paper Comics

You can buy paper or digital comics, but only printed comics that you can hold in your hand increase in value.

Shop at Secondhand Locations

When comic book investing, you can shop at a comic book shop, but don’t limit yourself. Also, browse secondhand stores, estate sales, and garage sales. You never know when you may stumble upon used comic books, some of which may be valuable.

Look at the Price on the Cover

Generally, newer comic books aren’t valuable. Instead, look for vintage comic books (printed between the 1930s and early 1980s). According to Super World Comics, “The valuable [comics] have a price of 10, 12, 15, 20, or 25 cents per issue. Most comics that say 30c or higher on the cover are of later vintage and have limited value.”

Look for Key Issues

A display case of comic books.

According to Multiverse Comic Box, “The most valuable [comics] involve a key event in a popular series [such as] the first issue in a series. . .the first appearance of a major character. . .the first appearance of a popular weapon/item or new costume. . .and low print run issues, which are usually toward the end of a series but not always.”

Consider the Condition of the Comics

Finally, consider what condition the comic book is in. Comic book condition is rated on a scale of 0 to 10, with ten being the best. My Comic Shop breaks down each of the rated states of a comic book, but generally, only comic books that are 5.0 or higher are valuable for collecting. Of course, the better the condition, the more valuable they are.

Final Thoughts

Comic book investing is volatile, so only pick up this hobby if you love comics. Then, even if you don’t make money from the comics you buy, you still have a collection you enjoy. Also, remember that you must be patient with this type of investing. You might have to wait decades for your comics to appreciate enough to make selling them worthwhile.

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Image and article originally from www.savingadvice.com. Read the original article here.