
Cross-chain wallet application and multi-chain Web3 ecosystem Blocto has unveiled a $1million grant programme to fast-track user onboarding to Web3 by enabling fast, seamless, and secure wallet creation on the Polygon protocols. 

Exclusively available for projects building on Polygon, incentives of up to $1million will be deployed across an engagement period of three months. In addition to financial support and developer tooling resources, selected projects are provided marketing and operational support with dedicated access to Blocto’s vast user base, developer relations teams and communication channels.

Interested applicants can apply for the program through Blocto’s Ecosystem Program page, subject to rigorous review by the Blocto committee. Eligible projects will be evaluated holistically across assessment factors of project impact, innovation, feasibility, and alignment with Blocto’s strategic business objectives.

This news follows extensive efforts to bolster account abstraction (AA) capabilities across the Web3 ecosystem at the EthCC, where Blocto had announced the launch of its AA-compatible wallet to further enable everyday users to seamlessly interact and engage with digital assets.

Making affordable, secure and sustainable technology for Web3 “broadly available”
Hamzah Khan, director of growth at Polygon Labs

Hamzah Khan, director of growth at Polygon Labs, said: “Our vision at Polygon Labs is seeing scalable, affordable, secure and sustainable blockchain technology for Web3 being broadly available.

“Blocto’s cross-chain wallet application on Polygon provides dApp builders and projects building on the Polygon ecosystem with seamless access to blockchain wallets by bringing user experience to the forefront.

“By prioritising simplicity and ease-of-use, these efforts accelerate the development of user-friendly Web3 technologies to propel the industry forward.”

Hsuan Lee, co-founder and CEO of Blocto, also discussed the move: “Blocto is committed to empowering individuals to meaningfully interact with exciting opportunities within the Web3 ecosystem, without complexities of managing their digital assets.

“As one of the most well-recognised, leading blockchain ecosystems that has been bridging the worlds of Web2 and Web3, the Blocto integration with the Polygon protocols and engagement with the Polygon ecosystem will create user-friendly, as well as secure portals for frictionless onboarding experiences. Together, we are thrilled to contribute to the democratisation of blockchain technologies, as well as foster the widespread adoption of next-generation tech innovation.”

Image and article originally from thefintechtimes.com. Read the original article here.